
Websites, Digital, Print

I’ve had the privilege of working alongside several wonderful, award-winning designers in both print and digital formats, and I’ve learned a lot about the value of keeping things simple. A successful layout or UX design does not get in the way of the content and the message, but it will enhance the reader’s or viewer’s experience. In life, as well as in design, following Albert Einstein’s advice is always good: “Make everything as simple as possible, but not simpler.”


Keeping the basic elements of good design in mind — balance, composition, and readability — has always been my goal. Having respect for all the elements in the design keeps you honest, and lends integrity to the story.

Web Design

I’ve been building websites for years, with my largest project being, a collaboration with a small team with start-up funding from the National Science Foundation. Launched in 2011, this SaaS product enabled independent creatives to quickly build a rich-media portfolio site with a suite of elegantly-integrated, easy-to-use online tools and services. I managed the team of full-stack developers in an agile environment, and it was developed on an open-source, LAMP-stack framework.

I’ve used multiple hosting platforms, including the original web publishing and content-management system our company built for I am very comfortable with WordPress and Squarespace. In 2013, All One Design LLC, our consulting group, was contracted to redesign The Denver Post website. Several of the UX/UI features we designed are still being utilized, including the sticky top masthead with access to sections, to help users navigate the complex site.

Print Design

Having spent most of my career working for one of the best designed newspapers in the world, I was lucky to work with, and learn from, many wonderful designers. As a photographer, I was always assured my images would be used thoughtfully and with respect for the overall presentation of the stories to our readers. I learned to do the same in the designs that I create, no matter what the industry, whether for digital or print.

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